Sell Mushrooms with Foraged: Tailored Solutions for Foragers and Mushroom Growers

As the cornerstone of our journey, mushrooms have always held a special place on Foraged. For Mushroom Sellers, our platform offers national reach, wholesale support, and sales channel integration to bring your unique finds to food lovers everywhere. Join us in leading the way for specialty mushroom sales.

How foraged supports mushroom purveyors

Marketplace: Customers Near and Far

Gain access to a community of food lovers on the nationwide platform for specialty foods. As the origin of our platform, mushrooms are our top product for years.

sell online

Sell to bulk buyers with our upcoming 0% fee invoicing tool, designs to make large orders a breeze.

universal inventory management

Unify your sales channels allowing direct linkage from what's being sold in-person to what's being shown online.

Recommended plan: marketplace or all-access

grow your business with foraged

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