Sell Wild Foods with Foraged: Tailored Solutions for Foragers and Wild Food Producers

Foraged is the home for wild foods, where Foragers and Wild Food Producers can reach a nationwide audience. We have the world’s largest wild food customer base, and they’re eager to see your offerings! Foraged has everything you need to grow. If you’re passionate about wild foods, Foraged is where your products belong.

How foraged supports wild food purveyors

Marketplace: Customers near and afar

Connect directly with an audience of food enthusiasts on the premier nationwide marketplace for specialty foods, where demand for wild categories is at its peak.

Sell Online

Sell to bulk buyers with our upcoming 0% fee invoicing tool, designs to make large orders a breeze.

Universal Inventory Management

Unify your sales channels allowing direct linkage from what's being sold in-person to what's being shown online.

Click or tap a feature to learn more

Recommended plan: Marketplace or All-Access

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